Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So after 2 months living in Seoul now, I guess its about time I started this thing!  

This post is pretty much just to say: stay tuned...I'll write whenever, however, and whatever I can on this blog, hopefully giving anyone who's interested a little information on my life and times in SOUTH KOREA!  
I've never really leaned towards doing these kind of public posts - I'd much rather just write personally (partly because its...more personal, and partly because there's a million people posting a million things on the web, and I don't read blogs myself).  So who knows where this thing will go; but hopefully it can be a forum where I can share a little bit of what I learn and think, and where you all (whoever loves me enough to read this) can holler back at me with any thoughts, words, wisdom or stupidity you may have.  Right now just know that I miss Cincinnati, Skyline Chili, and the English language in general.  Dumbing my vocab down to help 4th grade Koreans understand English is taking its toll...by the time I get back home I'll be lucky if I can still read :)  

much love to all,
